Saturday, 26 January 2019

My friends Struggles


I worry when you go silent,
I know about your health and your struggle,
I'm not near, not in the loop,
So when I don't hear I think the worst,
In my head, it's a three-alarm siren.

I know you fight every day,
I see your battle and its inspiring,
Never give up keep battling,
Things might change,
You are my friend and I'm here to stay.

Days might seem dark but never forget,
Friends and family are here to support you,
We love you and need you in our lives,
Life takes strange turns but put our paths together,
It changed my life forever.

I don't have many friends it's true,
Little in number but in them I count you,
Similar battles we have fought and won,
And we both know our fights are not done.

We come from different places,
United by the fact we are Survivors,
Shared experience binds us,
United in the fight,
Stronger together in the journey of life.

I wrote this for a friend, who is going through some stuff, I hope it might help or at least let them know I am thinking about them. I'm not going to say who but I will let them know. I hope some of you might find some of my words helpful. You are never alone, there are always people who care for you and people to talk to. No matter the battle people will have gone through similar things, the is always support if you need it. But always remember your friends and family love you and will be there for you.

With Much love,


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