Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Your Workplace is my Prison

 You come to work got a lot to do,

Lots of paperwork for you and conversation too,

IV's to change, drugs to dispense, people to move,

Getting in your groove another shift to get through.

I wake up in the hospital again,

Looking out to my view, what am I going to do,

 I am stuck in the room feeling kind of blue,

Not feeling safe as even when asleep people intruded.

Here I have a question for you?

In someone's hotel would just walk into their room?

It would be kinda rude, that's true,

So what would you do?

You would knock on the door,

Give them a chance to answer before you came in,

When in the hospital patients have no choice,

You go home at the end of your shift,

But we're here till we're alright.

It's hard to feel safe in a place when your personal space is non-existent,

If you don't feel safe how can you heal?

It is where you work but its where we live,

We have no choice in being here so give us a thought,

We just want to feel safe in these hard times.

Delirium Yearning

  Nearly 40c my body it is burning, My ex is calling to ruin my day she’s yearning, But my wingmen tazocin and filgrastim do the blockin...