Friday, 21 July 2023

ICU Rehab Day 2023


We need to talk about the value of ICU rehab,

It is as important as drugs made in labs,

The battle we face after intubation,

The effort it takes, the shot heard across nations.


The A2F bundle formed to reduce the harm we cause,

But in a lot of ICU, the damage does even give pause,

Rehab in my home differs so much from the others,

We should all band together as sisters and brothers.


So heed this my call to join our movement,

Which is focused so fully on getting us moving,

Because never forget that not lost does not need to be regained,

That patient will not have to know the pain of muscle growing again.


So join us in voice, in spirit and in body,

Let’s do this properly for we can’t afford to be shoddy,

These people's lives we affect will impact so profoundly,

As for every person in a bed has people 100 deep,

The family and friends who witness the struggle,

Can be saved from the horror of seeing them suffer.


We all seek the solution which has eluded us all,

But we are not here to drop the ball,

We work hard each day to improve the world in tiny ways,

Because in weeks, months or even years,

Those tiny actions will reap us some gold.



Whether you stand at the bed, research or other,

The work that you do will be seen by fathers and mothers,

Your actions will be burned in that patient's brain,

Let’s not leave them with only a legacy of pain,

Working together we make rehab the focus,

We motivate, drive and support the goals that are chosen.


For in the end, we are all just supporting roles in the life of the patient,

We are stagehands, extras and even directors,

Managing the situations and bringing the important to focus,

We show the best that we have to evoke emotion,

Because of these plans, we are setting in motion,

They will impact people all across the oceans.


So I leave it here with these most feeble of words,

The patient in the bed wants to be heard,

We want to be seen and treated as a person,

We want to live life not simply surviving the crisis,

For when you look at the whole you will see too much more,

Learn about the person they were and who they’ll become.



Thank you for reading this I hope it evoked some emotion and I hope we can make ICU rehab a part of every icu patients journeys. But also make the time in ICU less traumatic and thus need less ICU rehab after.

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