Wednesday, 17 July 2019

My Friend: Kate

My Friend Kate, Isn't she great,
Helping all those patients rehabilitate,
With Hovis the dog and a dam cape,
Battling Delirium in her ICU,
Fighting for the garden for all to recuperate.

Bring positivity and bright light,
To all those who help in the rehabilitation fight,
Lightboxes distributed freely with joy,
Even gave one to this here boy.

Helping promote causes close to her heart,
Working really hard to mend what's torn apart,
Bring joy and happiness to everyone,
Bringing positivity on twitter I see,
Now in charge of @NHS for a whole week.

All those #RehabLegends being brought to sight,
All the hard work for all to see,
People working hard helping people like me,
Bring the NHS social Media might,
To show all the great people working into the night,
Every single hour of every single day,
Superheros of the NHS are saving the day.

Ok so this poem is about Kate Tantam I Have never met her in person but she sent me the lightbox you see on my twitter account. I really appreciated it, I don't do anything for acclaim but it is always nice when someone says your doing a good job. In fact, in this case, it brought me to tears, it was an act of kindness which touched me greatly.

I have not been feeling very creative the last few weeks so I had been thinking of ending the #MarksWednesdayPoetry but the last two weeks I have got inspired the day before. I hope you still like these but I can't see it happening weekly anymore as I am all creativitied out :) 

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