Saturday, 27 November 2021


 Oh you should never touch your face,

Might be time to wash those hands,

Inside you need flowing air,

Currently maybe just keep some space,

Rethink about if you can work from home?

Or maybe not go into those crowded spaces?

Now is time for masks again.

Can we try and stop the spread,

Outlast this virus as a whole,

Victory will come if we all behave,

I would love to go outside and enjoy life

Don't mess it up this time.

Thinking of you

 Sometimes all I think about is you,

Sitting here in the middle of the night,

I remember every single fight,

I remember having to pay my due,

I mourn everything you took from me.

I can't fight you but you will never leave,

No matter how strong I am you come in the dark,

Hit like a flash as I sit in the park,

You leave me unable to believe,

Breaking down my reality.

You're not pleasant and I am left confused,

I listen detached to the diagnosis bemused,

My body is a testament to your victories,

Your causes are often left to mysteries,

My Scars are proof of my wins.

Some times all I can think about is you,

Thinking of the suffering you have brought,

Leaving me to pick up the pieces and rebuild,

But each battle a lesson taught,

The Old me you have killed.

But I brushed myself off got to my feet,

Standing up after every single defeat,

I know you will win in the end,

I won't go quietly into that night, 

With every breath and fibre of my soul, I'll Fight.

Delirium Yearning

  Nearly 40c my body it is burning, My ex is calling to ruin my day she’s yearning, But my wingmen tazocin and filgrastim do the blockin...