Saturday, 27 November 2021

Thinking of you

 Sometimes all I think about is you,

Sitting here in the middle of the night,

I remember every single fight,

I remember having to pay my due,

I mourn everything you took from me.

I can't fight you but you will never leave,

No matter how strong I am you come in the dark,

Hit like a flash as I sit in the park,

You leave me unable to believe,

Breaking down my reality.

You're not pleasant and I am left confused,

I listen detached to the diagnosis bemused,

My body is a testament to your victories,

Your causes are often left to mysteries,

My Scars are proof of my wins.

Some times all I can think about is you,

Thinking of the suffering you have brought,

Leaving me to pick up the pieces and rebuild,

But each battle a lesson taught,

The Old me you have killed.

But I brushed myself off got to my feet,

Standing up after every single defeat,

I know you will win in the end,

I won't go quietly into that night, 

With every breath and fibre of my soul, I'll Fight.

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