Friday, 24 December 2021

The Pandemic Blues

This time of year people say is joyful,

But this year it’s the anniversary of the worst time of my life,

Everyone is excited and bouncing with joy,

But inside me the grief is pulling me down,

While everyone is bouncing about town.

My life nearly ended to a bird flu in those happy times,

Now in a pandemic I sit with no immune system,

Stressing about what might come my way,

With covid and flu running rampant around me,

My castle, my fort nothing allowed in.

I watch my friend go heroic things everyday,

I watch as what we ask of them to do and who to save,

They achieve more than we should ask of anyone,

I am in such awe of these humans who call me friends,

Do all that’s asked and get through all the strife,

I would entrust each and everyone of them with my life.

Every bleep and noise sends me back to ICU,

Back struggling for breath, drowning in fluid,

Those flashes of trauma burned into my brain,

Lessen with time but never going away,

I send every so often and relive my pain,

So others won’t have to live my pain again.

I stand up at conferences and tell you my tale,

But my suffering a footnote in the effect it had taken,

Every single day my family’s hearts where breaking,

I was fighting with every ounce of my being,

But me laying lifeless all they where seeing.

So this time of year for me not filled with joy,

Even the thought of getting new ‘toys’,

But I am happy I am here and my friends still are too,

If we all stand together we will all get through,

Supporting each other holding each other up,

At the end of it all we will all have a cup’.

Friday, 10 December 2021


Life ain't a cruise, sitting in the sun,

Life ain't a smooth ride and fun,

Life ain't fair to me or you,

Life ain't to be walked alone,

Life ain't a quest you can complete.

Time is not everlasting its finite,

At the end of our journey, we all have to alight,

Every step we take leaves a mark on those around us,

Then in a moment, we will be soundless.

We give more energy to those who harm us,

Than those who love us, those we cherish,

 Sometimes in our lives, we have to be selfish,

Put ourselves first cease selling,

That which makes us unique.

Life ain't always filled with Blues,

Life ain't always feeling under the gun,

Life ain't always about what your due,

Life ain't always about that ringing phone,

Life ain't always about taking a back seat.

Sometimes we just have to love,

Sometimes we just have to leave,

Sometimes we just have to believe,

Sometimes we just have to scream,

Sometimes we have to trust.

Delirium Yearning

  Nearly 40c my body it is burning, My ex is calling to ruin my day she’s yearning, But my wingmen tazocin and filgrastim do the blockin...