Tuesday, 22 February 2022

The eye of the storm


I sit here in the calm,

The Wind Battering the defences,

Listening as it passes through the gaps,

Feeling like the walls may give?


The calm at the eye sees the destruction,

It sees what will come to consume it,

Damage it will reek if the eye moves,

If the eye collapses in on itself.


I look at the trees fell,

The world brought to a halt,

Held in place wondering what’s going on,

Watching as the wolf blows down the house.


Now we walk in the damage,

We try to patch the holes, replace the walls,

Put roofs back on, bring back energy,

And Figure out how to cope in the new reality

Friday, 4 February 2022


 I never knew what true friendship was,

Until I found you all, it makes me so glad,

To find out how many true friends I have,

The support and encouragement fills me with joy,

You give me confidence and faith to achieve,

Even when in myself I don't believe.

Thank you to you all for the love you have shown,

With your support, my confidence has grown,

 When times were so tough you lent me your ear,

Even in those dark days filled with nothing but fear,

A debt I now owe that can't be repaid,

But I'll try my best till my dying days.

My journey nearly ended six years ago,

My life nearly ebbed when it needed to flow,

But I am here now with resolve for the fight,

Trying my best to fight for what's right,

Stand up to delirium is my passion forever, alright,

To beat it completely will take all of our might.

So to end this verse on a high,

I'll say but a few words,

Lets keep moving forward not backwards,

We'll band together to say to Delirium Goodbye.

Delirium Yearning

  Nearly 40c my body it is burning, My ex is calling to ruin my day she’s yearning, But my wingmen tazocin and filgrastim do the blockin...