Thursday, 13 April 2023

Doctors Strike

The government trying to paint em as evil,

Well hot dam can you believe em,

I listen as they say they are putting me in danger,

What a dam joke are you trying to offend me?

Are they out of their minds when they say Dr as harming,

Listen to me I'll be disarming or maybe even charming,

You can't abuse a system, underfund and supply it,

Then expect everyone inside to be happy about it,

 The gaslighting and abuse is what is dam harming,

You tried to break a system and met with resistance.

The Doctors are standing for what is right,

You are standing on wielding might,

Trying to undermine the public service that supports us,

Trying to villainize those who saved me,

When I was in ICU I know who was saving my life,

I know who did everything they could to bring me back,

You made sure I was here to write this.

I stand with the junior Doctors doing what is needed to make the NHS safe for all and be paid an amount that they can live life when they are not in the hospital. 

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