Wednesday, 27 March 2019


Three years on and still in recovery,
Still on my grind to recover me,
Taking more steps on my journey of discovery,
Trying to dig down to uncover what I can see.

Lots of love coming at me,
From around the globe I’m seen,
Everyone knows what my journey has been,
Everyone helped me be the best I can be.

New friends for support ignited my cause,
Pushing me forward to my end goal,
Giving me means to help others out,
And on that path help me recover,
And rediscover what it’s like to be me.

Maybe I’ll never be whole again,
That’s ok because I like the new me,
I really like him he throws caution to the wind,
Doesn’t care what you think,
But comfortable in his own skin

Thanks for reading guys, I wrote this on the trip to my immunology appointment, I was thinking about what I have been through because I was going to a new Dr as mine has left. I knew I was going to have to explain nearly 15 years of medical history in an hour appointment. They said what every Dr ever says to me when they take over my care, "You're very complex." or "You have a lot of things going on" or "Your immune system is very complicated." Anyway I hope you enjoy, if you have any idea or topic you want me to have a pop at writing a poem about leave a comment or DM me on twitter. I love a challenger so feel free to contact me.

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