Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Pam’s Birthday

Birthday Wishes

My dear friend Dr Pam Ramsay,
It is today your birthday,
So I wrote this to give you my best wishes,
Every year we’re alive is a gift,
You live every year to the max,
Doing so much good with your work.

It is strange to think we have known each other exactly 8 months,
It feels like we have known each other for years,
I consider myself fortunate to have you as a friend,
Even if we have only met twice,
I’m a good judge of people and I know you’re great,
An elevator, raising those around you,
Every single day. 

Pam is one of the kindest people I know,
Inviting me to speak when I was unknown,
When I was just a guy who wrote 2 or 3 poems,
Never spoke about my experience in public,
Took a risk on me when others wouldn’t,
Brought me from the west to the east,
Showed me love in spite not knowing me.

Brought me into their fold without a price,
Those people in Edinburgh where beyond nice,
So kind each one was, accepted like I never ever was.

So on this your (redacted) birthday,
I have but one thing to say,
May you have the best one, 
Filled with much love,
Because it is what you deserve,
 For the love you have shown,
For the people you have helped and the groups you have grown,
In conclusion these are my final words,
I wish on you only the best for you are my friend 
And one of the finest humans I know.

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