Tuesday, 23 April 2019


Clarifying our goals, seeing where to go,
Seeing the path forward, progression,
Over words, we argue, our obsession,
Goals aimed for to be achieved.

Seeing reality ever changing,
Facts and aims ever moving back and forth,
Life gives us new challenges to overcome,
New missions to go on and complete.

Clarity forming vagueness going,
Crystal clear is how I’m seeing,
Threads of fate now in-front of me,
Endless path we go walking,
Overcoming what’s in front of me.

My history revealed new goal apparent,
Helping others my drive on my journey,
Life unfolding with it’s new scars,
Looking at how far I’ve come,

Not yet done in my achieving.

This was written after I had been to SIGN guideline patient booklet development, I hand wrote it on the train. The train is a great place to write as in my case it’s often a quiet time before you go do something exciting or have come back from doing something exciting. It’s when my creative juices and anxiety are in full bloom which leads to some excellent work. I hope you all enjoy it, feel free to comment or reply to the tweet about this :)

Tuesday, 16 April 2019


Why do we help those we don't know,
Because we're all human isn't enough?
Because it stops suffering isn't that great,
Why do we all live in fear?
Why can't we hold people we don't know near?

I don't offer you my aid out of sympathy,
I offer out of joint misery,
What you have gone through so have I,
Just look at me and what I survived.

If we do to others as we'd have done to us,
Life would be much better, a whole lot of fun,
A world filled with joy until the rising sun,
No more need for knives or guns.

So if you read this please remember this,
You have the power to change someone's world,
You have it in you to make it a better place,
If we all help each other we'll make the world great

Friday, 12 April 2019


To be brave is not doing something,
It's doing something you know is right,
It's doing it even when there is great risk,
It's doing it while everyone tells you it's wrong,
It's sharing the darkness that you have fought.

Every patient volunteer is as brave as can be,
Sharing their scars that you can't see,
Showing you the reality of what life is to them,
Giving up a piece of them for all to see.

So in these words, I wind the truth,
Patients are more important than their diagnosis,
Remember the facts as I show you them,
We are people like you so remember that,

We all play our parts in advancing healthcare,
Without patient involvement it's without purpose,
After all, in the end, it affects us.

I hope this shines a light on something’s and hope that they bring comfort to some. I hope they help understanding between everyone. Feel free to comment here, on twitter or through the email part of this site.

Tuesday, 2 April 2019

Pam’s Birthday

Birthday Wishes

My dear friend Dr Pam Ramsay,
It is today your birthday,
So I wrote this to give you my best wishes,
Every year we’re alive is a gift,
You live every year to the max,
Doing so much good with your work.

It is strange to think we have known each other exactly 8 months,
It feels like we have known each other for years,
I consider myself fortunate to have you as a friend,
Even if we have only met twice,
I’m a good judge of people and I know you’re great,
An elevator, raising those around you,
Every single day. 

Pam is one of the kindest people I know,
Inviting me to speak when I was unknown,
When I was just a guy who wrote 2 or 3 poems,
Never spoke about my experience in public,
Took a risk on me when others wouldn’t,
Brought me from the west to the east,
Showed me love in spite not knowing me.

Brought me into their fold without a price,
Those people in Edinburgh where beyond nice,
So kind each one was, accepted like I never ever was.

So on this your (redacted) birthday,
I have but one thing to say,
May you have the best one, 
Filled with much love,
Because it is what you deserve,
 For the love you have shown,
For the people you have helped and the groups you have grown,
In conclusion these are my final words,
I wish on you only the best for you are my friend 
And one of the finest humans I know.

Delirium Yearning

  Nearly 40c my body it is burning, My ex is calling to ruin my day she’s yearning, But my wingmen tazocin and filgrastim do the blockin...