Wednesday, 22 May 2019

A day in the life.

A patient Poem.

Eyes open survived another night,
Eyes adjusting to the daylight,
Brain engaging am I alright,
Is that pain an ache or much more,
Am I hot or running a fever?

Is the feeling in my throat just dry,
Or is it an infection,
Will it send me to the hospital?
When I stop reacting sure it will,
Hypochondriac or just really ill.

The worry sitting in my mind like an enemy,
Whispering in my ear that the end is near,
Telling me that feeling in my stomach's a twist,
That pressure a blockage soon to appear.

Doubt covers me like a blanket holding me in the night,
Telling me worst tales through my slumber,
Will I see my next birthday I wonder?
But in these last few months peace, I have got,
The doubt proven wrong, in the hospital am not,
Stability and safety in my health I have found.

The defences ICU had quickly ground down,
Refashioned, replaced but very different now,
Not so rigid or inflexible my walls I have built,
Flexing with the stresses of life,
No longer broken. 

Thursday, 16 May 2019


In my mind I’m a hybrid of my 18 year old and current self,
Without scars but in better health, happy and looking content,
But in the mirror when I gaze I see myself as I am, broken,
Broken, Battered and Scarred, life has taken its toll,
Conditions taken from me a great deal,
 Bowels shortened, scars in its place.

Now older and greyer and a little wiser is my fate,
Hair retreating and disappearing, my vanity gone,
My body broken, failing slowly, of its functions control I’m losing,
 Things not easy becoming harder, drive increasing, motivation growing,
Mission progress slowing with new energy in its face I’m stoic.

My new vision ever changing, age and time slowly shaping,
Time of a new battle, new mission, progress forming,
Excitement rising, achievement on the horizon,
Hoping change will soon be coming, things will be better,
In hope I wish progress speeding, life affirming goals improving.

Face mine but ever changing.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019


Frustrated standing at the sign,
I’m away at the moment all that’s noted,
Wondering what to do with my paper,
Watching a train departing aggravating,
The man behind the counter sitting counting.

On the train now elated making time now,
A friend comes on, time passes fast now,
Excitement building getting near now,
Off the train heading to my meeting,
Hoping for kindness as my greeting.

Meeting starting excitement building,
Sharing my story so freely,
Sharing everything making life better,
Arguing how to achieve it,
Forward existence of these tools.

Let us make things better,

For everyone

So like a whole lot of my poems they are written after something happens to me, in this case, I couldn't exchange my rail warrant because the person behind the counter was counting money. If I was just buying a ticket I could have used a ticket machine. So in my very passive aggressive way, I wrote a poem about it, I hope this helps you if you are having one of those moments when someone else is stopping you do something by inaction.

If you read this far thank you very much, If you came over from twitter if you reply with Honey Cola that would be cool :) I am just trying to see who reads everything :D Anyway Thanks for reading you are all why I keep publishing these, I appreciate the support it means the world to me and has helped me power through some bad times.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019


We all learn in different ways,
We all see the world in different ways,
We look at things in our own unique way,
Diversity is the path to cover everyone.

One track thought leads down the same path,
When you look outside the box,
All sorts of new possibilities can be seen,
New directions and solutions can be found.

Whitewashing thoughts are no use,
The world is colourful let's embrace it,
Learning from all angles, lets embrace it,
Discrimination lets all face it, it's disgraceful. 

I'm inspired by the greatness I surround myself with,
Doesn't matter the colour, gender, religion or any other label,
What I care about is the skills, energy and talent they bring,
It's their greatness I seek, whether it be word or deed.

I've made so many friends through my work,
Listening to my words, my actions and my cause,
Inspired by all they do, every act, every deed,
Awesome people every single one, saving lives as if its nothing.

Learning from each other at every stage,
Seeing flaws in our ways,
Working together to improve our methods
Elevating each other to new heights.

I wrote this coming back from my meeting as part of the group making the patient booklet of SIGN's delirium guideline. I was feeling really creative and the juices were flowing. Wrote a few poems that day, was a very good day. I hope you enjoy. 

Delirium Yearning

  Nearly 40c my body it is burning, My ex is calling to ruin my day she’s yearning, But my wingmen tazocin and filgrastim do the blockin...