Thursday, 16 May 2019


In my mind I’m a hybrid of my 18 year old and current self,
Without scars but in better health, happy and looking content,
But in the mirror when I gaze I see myself as I am, broken,
Broken, Battered and Scarred, life has taken its toll,
Conditions taken from me a great deal,
 Bowels shortened, scars in its place.

Now older and greyer and a little wiser is my fate,
Hair retreating and disappearing, my vanity gone,
My body broken, failing slowly, of its functions control I’m losing,
 Things not easy becoming harder, drive increasing, motivation growing,
Mission progress slowing with new energy in its face I’m stoic.

My new vision ever changing, age and time slowly shaping,
Time of a new battle, new mission, progress forming,
Excitement rising, achievement on the horizon,
Hoping change will soon be coming, things will be better,
In hope I wish progress speeding, life affirming goals improving.

Face mine but ever changing.

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