Monday, 8 June 2020

My open Address to ICU Staff

These words that are to follow are from my heart,
I know right now that times they are a tough,
And your body and your mind are telling you enough,
I watch on in horror I don't know what to do,
There will always be a bond between me and you.

I have borne witness to your superhero nature,
Asked to do the impossible never fazed and always gracious,
You work so hard to bring those back from the brink,
Care for those people with a fire that's tenacious,
Even if the patient's progress seems glacier.
I see your struggle and I feel your pain,
I lay in that bed, a person you have saved,
So if you need me now in this time of your struggle,
I offer you my hand as any brother would do the same,
If you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on,
You can have mine too,
ICU ain't easy this we know as facts,
But why do we forget the protectors who had our backs?

I struggled in silence with a lot of my issues,
But let me tell you this it's not the model you must use,
Reach out to others what you must do,
We're all in this together is how the song goes,
There is more to you than your fingers and toes.

Mental health is something we don't reference,
A taboo topic especially in healthcare,
So we let it fester and affect our welfare,
So if you are broken or confused, 
Just remember you're human it can happen to you,
You need to ask for help there is no shame in that,
We're all just people trying to make it through,
But I see you and the awesome work you do.

To my family in the ICU,
If you are reading this then that means you,
We can work together to get through this,
I understand that we expect a lot,
But I know you're human not a robot,
You are all awesome of that I have no fear,
But we are here to support you in your time of need.

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