Monday, 22 June 2020

Scots Life

It's a sair fecht, everyday a fight,
Ever neuk crannie I look hardship I find,
My body trying to take my life, roch,
Fae here back to ICU I thocht.

   Isnae fair folk see I reply,
I am too stubborn to lay doon and dee,
It'll take mair than a virus tae see me aff,
I'm Fou a worry some times actin daft.

Noo in my heid my thoughts are flitting,
The sides A my brain they be skelpin,
They got me up to high doh,  
Maist aye the time am a' richt,
'cept when am alane in the middle a the nicht.

Now its time to change the vernacular,
Use the Queen's English to get back on track at ya,
Thousands of Idea bouncing inside my head,
But my heart breaks when I try one and fail,
Its why I restrained myself,
Clipped my wings so I couldn't soar,
Because, a fall from on high hurts.

But the ICU hit, life on pause,
First you must win the fight,
Plan the battle hold the ground give no quarter,
It's a pitched battle, support from outside,
A team of expert specialists, launching assaults,
Suppling the front lines with fluids and antibiotics,
Helping the general to win the fight. 

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