Hi so I was trying to make a gif for my podcast ICU Life and Recovery and it turns out it's pretty hard to make it to GIPHY or twitters standards as the file size limit is so low so I wanted to put it here with the original video format just to show what I am trying to do:
This is a blog about my medical journey from start to current and everything that comes in the future. This is not medical advice and everything I say is my own opinion. This blog is about the issues that occurred in my life. I am writing this to help other people who have similar issues as me and to help them see that they are not alone and perhaps glean something useful. You can also find me @MarkThomHudson on twitter if you want to hear from me on a more regular basis
Monday, 26 October 2020
Podcast Gif
Tuesday, 15 September 2020
Creativity: Internal Debate
From the left entering the stage, Mr Poetry in a tee shirt and tracksuit bottoms walks to stage centre:
When times get thought I'm who he turned to,
When emotion run high I'm what he uses,
The words he doesn't want to forget,
I write them down so he can reflect,
I'm the dam reason he gets any respect.
From off stage right, a voice can be heard "Woah, Woah, Woah." Then entering from stage right in a three-piece suit Mr Speaker who strides to centre stage putting his hand on Mr Poetry's shoulder and ushering him slightly to the left.
I mean no disrespect but it was me that brought relevance,
To the words, you wrote however relevant,
Standing and telling his sad tale made us prevalent,
Sure your words are important but it's my voice that emotes them,
It is me who crafts the words that people have heard,
I'm the force behind where we are going.
Dropping down from the rafters, an older man lands between the two men and places his hands on their shoulders guiding them to be just a half step behind him.
It's kind of funny to see you boys argue,
Here are some fact for both of you,
When it comes to creativity I am the boss, not you two,
When people think of him they think of what I do,
His friends come to me not the pair of you dudes.
Friday, 31 July 2020
Numbers are my life,
They dominate every aspect of my life,
If I can go outside comes down to The roll of a dice,
This is my life, this is my strife.
I used to smile more than I do,
I used to be happy, ignorance is bliss,
These are not the days that I miss,
I miss those days taken from me,
Missing my brother’s wedding cut me deep in my soul.
Numbers are everywhere especially these days,
We hear about all the numbers everyday,
These numbers are overwhelming,
Numbers that represent lives effected,
They are thrown about just matter of fact.
My number of friends has expanded,
As my heart swells, with affection I’m shown,
People who want to join me in this fight,
Those who want to be part of my life.
Thank you to everyone,
You mean so very much to me,
I hope I don’t disappoint, as I try my best.
Thursday, 25 June 2020
Protect the Protectors
Monday, 22 June 2020
Scots Life
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
I can’t breathe
Today I woke up, it’s hard to breathe,
Humidity rising, mucus forming,
Energy sapping, tasks impossible,
Walking up the stairs constant duress.
The heat rising my thoughts effected,
The heat rising my mood effected,
The heat rising my sleep effected,
The heat rising my will effected.
The climate of the world is changing,
Not just the weather that is changing
Shade of your skin should have no bearing,
In a new world built on caring.
The melanin in your skin doesn’t define your skill,
It doesn’t define the person within,
It doesn’t show the hard work you put in,
It’s not a factor in your intelligence.
I can’t breathe I am suffering,
I can breathe can you help me,
I can’t breathe I am suffering,
Sound familiar these words do?
We’re all equal that’s what we need.
Do you have the skills?
Do have the experience?
Do you have something else to bring?
These are the questions that matter.
We are humans,
We are one,
We all live under the sun,
We all love to laugh and have fun,
We’re United we are one.
Black Lives Matter.
Monday, 8 June 2020
ICU Life and Recovery Podcast
My open Address to ICU Staff
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
International Nurses Day
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Delirium not just for christmas it's for life.
It's like your life has become a bad horror film,
People hunting you, experimenting and killing
Reality gone, trying to adapt to what's going on,
Brain trying to make sense of the pain,
Every cut, every conversation that you had,
We are sedated not dead, we hear everything that is said,
Just our brain can't compute enough said?
To us, you are plotting and scheming our demise,
Or maybe even just want to cut out our eyes,
Everything you do will affect us its true,
We're fighting for our lives so give us our due,
What looks like to you to be 'Pleasantly confused'
Is us frightened beyond words I can speak,
Knowing what's happening the term leaves me bemused,
The person is suffering not Pleasantly or truly confused.
Delirium doesn't take away our ability to think,
It takes away reality and leaves us to sink,
To process a world without any cues,
Outside of what we feel and process its true,
The line in my neck inserted though an incision?
To me someone trying to bleed me to death.
Those Art lines used to monitor my blood?
Was someone cutting my wrists and inserting probes to torture,
So remember this as I tell it so clear,
I might be sedated but the pain it is real,
Remember the people whom hold me so dear,
Remember everything you do I can feel.
So in ending, I bring my point to the clear,
Try to whisper because I can hear,
Not just a body or a puzzle to solve,
A person, a Human and someone who's loved,
So it's simple, what you must do,
What would you want done if in that bed it was YOU
Friday, 6 March 2020
Foot steps: The Journey
Thursday, 27 February 2020
Antibiotics what are they good for? Quiet a lot but it’s not all roses
Now don’t get me wrong I need the antibiotics but that doesn’t mean there is not down sides. So I think everyone knows the ‘normal’ side effects of antibiotics like digestive distress, nausea etc the ‘mundane’ things people expect even if diarrhoea can be dangerous to a person with a stoma it generally manageable. There is at least in me a more insidious issue these drugs bring to me, so when I get prescribed these I am generally not in the best of places physically or mentally to start with. They lower my mood and make me feel depressed, it doesn’t help recovery when you don’t want to do anything and everything you do is so much harder just because of your mood.
When I am unwell I have to force myself to get up and not just lay in my bed because I know it won’t help me get better. The psychological effects of medication can have a huge impact on a patients recovery and I think this is a side effect that isn’t talked about and it leaves patients left feeling pretty shitty about themselves because they don’t know what is going on. So here is an espresso blog post to try and help you understand antibiotics effect you in more ways than you think. If antibiotics make you feel down please tell someone, while they can’t change how they will effect you they can help support you through it. Do not suffer in silence, their are no medals in life, we all need to help each other through our hard times so we can get back to shining.
If you like this concept of short blogs on one idea let me know and tell me other things you’d like to hear about?
Tuesday, 18 February 2020
The light and the Dark: How the hard times are hard
When I was born, I spread my wings,
Under the knife, I went to sort it out aged 5,
Eyes straight now back on the grind.
But these words are making me stressed,
The letters dancing on the page,
Dyslexia, causing stress on my brain,
Told I am not that clever,
Ain't no Einstein,
True that's a fact,
I see further by standing on the shoulders of Giants.
They told me I'd never be a writer,
Told me I wasn't a fighter,
Told me my star wouldn't get brighter,
Told me I was worth less than I was.
As I grew, saw where my talents lay,
Science made me like I belonged,
What mattered to me was the bonds,
I got my grind on studying hard,
Every page had to read a couple dozen times,
To make sure it sunk in.
I was swimming in a world of words,
Letters swimming over the page,
Until my 30's never knew where and were, were different,
My health trying to break me as I study,
Hospital admission every 3 months,
Exams 2 weeks in the hospital,
Stress not something I coped with.
Made it to University with grades they didn't expect,
Got that Higher English C,
Told me I couldn't so I did it,
But University was a different kettle of fish,
More support but more stress, more deterioration,
Body starting to give out, UC nearly ended me,
Bowel removed in an emergency,
Screaming please kill me please,
Praying to return to my maker.
Surgery sorted me out,
No pain when I didn't know I had been in pain,
But going forward my immune system made life hard,
Now I look at my body covered in scars,
They are defeats but also what I overcame.
Then in ICU I found myself,
That time was tough,
Endless fighting but never gave up,
Scars that where left messed me up,
Anxiety, depression and PTSD,
These my new friends which numbered three.
Recovery from ICU long time it does take,
Every once in a while my brain it will break,
Leaving me staring down the abyss of fate,
But my friends I hold dear, support me here,
even when my heart is filled with fear.
Life it goes on but not easily,
Struggles and strain,
Daily overcome,
It's hard sometimes it's not a lot of fun,
But remember these word when you feel overrun,
You're a Rehab Legend each and every one,
We support each other through the bad times that come.
Saturday, 11 January 2020
Pain: We all Hurt Sometimes
Delirium Yearning
Nearly 40c my body it is burning, My ex is calling to ruin my day she’s yearning, But my wingmen tazocin and filgrastim do the blockin...
ABCDEF bundle Assess for pain, analgesics so that they can engage, Autonomy is key sedation's not a cure, Alternate on and off intermi...
Ok, so I don't normally put warnings on my writing because I think if you come here you know what to expect. It is after all a blog/poe...
After ICU my brain as scrambled as can be, Needed some help maybe some cbt, Nearly a year I spent struggling with anxiety and ptsd, Shows ...